Stage One
We work with artists, labels and management companies worldwide. Get in touch with us here.
First Name *
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Second Name *
Email *
Role *
Country *
Stage Two
We need to know as much about your music as possible. We review every application in detail & can only except a limited number of artists, so don’t hold back...
We need to know as much about your music as possible. We review every application in detail, so don’t hold back...
We need to know as much about the artists you manage as possible. We review every application in detail, so don’t hold back...
Label Name *
How many artists are signed to your label? *
Genre *
How many artists do you manage? *
Top 3 artists under your management:
Artist 1:
Name *
Spotify URL *
Apple Music URL *
YouTube/Vevo URL *
Artist 2:
Spotify URL
Apple Music URL
YouTube/Vevo URL
Artist 3:
Spotify Artist URL *
Apple Music Artist URL *
Stage Three
Social Media
Your Music Career
Your Label’s Story
Your Music Career *
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